

PRETERM BABY CARE Preterm Baby:           A baby born before 37 completed week of gestation calculating from the first day of last menstrual period is arbiturarily defined as preterm baby. Incidence:            Preterm baby constitutes two thirds of low birth weight babies. Etiology:           In about 50% the cause of preterm labour is not known. The following are however, related with increased incidence of preterm labour. High Risk Factor: History: There is an increased incidence of preterm labour in cases such as Previous history of induced or spontaneous abortion or preterm delivery. A symptomatic bacteria or recurrent urinary tract infection. Smoking habits Low socio economic and nutritional status Iotrogenic: Elective induction with wrong estimation of gestational period. Idiopathic: P...


PERIODONTAL APPROACH TO ORAL REHABILITATION           Periodontal approach to oral rehabilitation should deal not only with any   periodontal disease that may be present but above all the question of restorative Rx and prosthesis is damaging periodontion.           Periodontal approach is oral surgical procedures from periodontal point of view, following precautions need to be taken while raising uncoperiosteal flaps in order to maintain good periodontal status post surgically.           Avoid trauma to exposed root surfaces 2 present loss of attachment, avoid pulling flaps up 2 crown margin to prevent formation of pseudopocket, use smaller flaps and follows less bone exposure slight spical positioning of reuse bend flap is better than conventional circular mucogingival flap procedures. Avoid scratching of 2 nd molars and distal p...


MEDICAL LAW AND ETHICS             The medical profession is governed by legislation and by a code of ethics and etiquette, which is backed up by a sanction Enforcement of the code may have varying degrees of compulsion, enforced by some. sort of codified rules or the opinion of a society or an association of the members of the profession. Indian Medical Degrees Act, 1916             This is the principal All India Statute to regulate the grant of titles implying qualification in Western Medical Science. The Act attempts to check the assumption and use by unqualified persons of medical titles. Certain authorities mentioned in the Act have the right to confer medical degrees, diplomas, licenses and certificates implying that the grantee or recipient there of is qualified to practice Western Medical Science. The false assumption and use of a medical title are pun...