A captcha is a program that can generate and grade tests that:
  1. Most humans can pass, but
  2. Current computer programs can't pass.

 Such a program can be used to differentiate humans from computers and has many applications for practical security.

 CAPTCHA stands for "Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart."

 The P for Public means that the code and the data used by a CAPTCHA should be publicly available. The T for "Turing Test to Tell" is because CAPTCHAs are like Turing Tests. In the original Turing Test, a human judge was allowed to ask a series of questions to two players, one of which was a computer and the other a human. Both players pretended to be the human, and the judge had to distinguish between them. CAPTCHAs are similar to the Turing Test in that they distinguish humans from computers, but they differ in that the judge is now a computer.


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