
1.1 Introduction:             

            In the present situation emission affects a lot to the environment, so we need to reduce emission effect on the environment as much as possible. Current state of technological advances, it is recognized that Biomass is one of the viable and sustainable renewable resources and new technologies emerging out of biomass based gasification systems find a significant role in bridging the energy crisis. The advanced biomass gasification systems are known to generate producer gas as the combustible fuel that is clean enough to be used in Direct Injection gas engines. However in order to adapt standard gas engines few of its components need modifications before they are used in the biomass power plants. Since this area is an emerging one and the technology has not been disseminated to the scale of driving market, it is essential that specialized components that require modification need be studied. Carburetor is one of the important components in such Category and it is identified that additional research work is to be carried out in establishing a design procedure for this application.

            In the recent times, gaseous fuels are gaining prominence as cleaner fuels for power generation via internal combustion engine route; the power generation package including both reciprocating engines and gas turbine machinery. Complete combustion with minimal emission is the key feature of gaseous fuels and this feature is currently being exploited the world-over for power generation purposes. Among the clean sources of fuel for power generation, natural gas has been exploited largely due to significant availability in specific locations.

            Similarly, there is also an impetus on using gas generated from industrial and municipal wastes, namely diluted natural gas – biogas and land-fill gas. As distinct from gas generation from biological/organic wastes by biological conversion process, which is limited to non-loganiaceous matter, the thermo chemical conversion route (also termed gasification) can process any solid organic matter. The range of biomass includes agro-residues like rice husk, sugarcane trash and bagasse in compact or briquetted form. The resultant gas known as ‘Producer gas’ can be used for fuelling a compression ignition (CI) engine in dual-fuel mode or a spark ignition (SI) engine in gas alone mode. Harnessing of energy from biomass via gasification route is not only proving to be economical but also environmentally benign friendly.

             Internal combustion reciprocating engines have integrated into societal service in the last century. Their use has improved the quality of life substantially, but at the cost of degradation to the environment, certainly in several countries with insufficient environmental consciousness. Therefore, large impetus is being given to improve the efficiency and thereby reduce the emissions by using two approaches namely, improvement in engine design and use of alternate fuels in place of fossil fuels.

             In the domain of alternate fuels, oxygenated liquid and gaseous fuels receive more prominence because of the possibilities of cleaner combustion. Among the gaseous fuels, producer gas, a low-energy density gas derived from biomass holds a large promise as an environment friendly fuel. This fuel gas in addition to being CO2 neutral generates lesser quantum of undesirable emissions. Even though these merits of biomass have been recognized widely, the technological capitalization has remained in infancy largely.

            The thermo-chemical conversion of biomass leads to a gas generally termed as producer gas. The process is termed gasification implying that a solid fuel is converted to a gaseous fuel. In the recent times, there is a renewed interest in biomass gasification technology, which has stimulated interest in producer gas operated engines.

 The range of biomass includes agro-residues like rice husk, sugarcane trash and bagasse in compact or briquetted form. The resultant gas known as ‘Producer gas’ can be used for fuelling a compression ignition engine in dual fuel mode or a spark-ignition (SI) engine in gas alone mode.

             Air/fuel ratio characteristic exert a large influence on exhaust emission and fuel economy in Internal Combustion engine. With increasing demand for high fuel efficiency and low emission, the need to supply the engine cylinders with a well defined mixture under all circumstances has become more essential for better engine performance. Carburetors are in general defined as devices where a flow induced pressure drop forces a fuel flow into the air stream. An ideal carburetor would provide a mixture of appropriate air-fuel (A/F) ratio to the engine over its entire range of operation from no load to full load condition. To ensure proper performance, Carburetor should be reproducible and have unequivocal adjustment procedures.

             CFD software used for flow analysis is ANSYS FLUENT. The k-ε RNG turbulence model is used and is considered to be the best model between computational time and precision. The geometric model is built using ANSYS workbench.

1.1.1Gasification PROCESS:

            Gasification is the incomplete combustion of biomass resulting in production of combustible gases consisting of Carbon monoxide (CO), Hydrogen (H2) and traces of Methane (CH4). This mixture is called producer gas.  However in gasification where there is a surplus of solid fuel (incomplete combustion) the products of combustion are combustible gases like Carbon monoxide (CO), Hydrogen (H2) and traces of Methane and non useful products like tar and dust. Biomass is basically composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen represented approximately by CH1.4O0.6. A proximate analysis of biomass indicates the volatile matter to be between 60% - 80% and 20% – 25% carbon and rest, ash. Gasification is a two-stage reaction consisting of oxidation and reduction processes. These processes occur under sub-stoichiometric conditions of air with biomass. The first part of sub stoichiometric oxidation leads to the loss of volatiles from biomass and is exothermic; it results in peak temperatures of 1400 to 1500 K and generation of gaseous products like carbon monoxide, hydrogen in some proportions and carbon dioxide and water vapor which in turn are reduced in part to carbon monoxide and hydrogen by the hot bed of charcoal generated during the process of gasification. Reduction reaction is an endothermic reaction to generate combustible products like CO, H2 and CH4 as indicated below.

                             C+CO2                 2CO2

                             c+h2O                 co+h2o

                             C+2H2                   CH4


            Since char is generated during the gasification process the entire operation is self-sustaining.

            The temperature of gas exiting the reactor is about 600–900 K. Typical composition of the gas after cooling to ambient temperature is about 18-20% H2, 18-20% CO, 2-3% CH4, 12% CO2, 2.5% H2O and rest, N2.  The lower calorific value of the gas ranges is about 5.3 + 0.3 MJ/Nm3, with a stoichiometry requirement of 1.2 to 1.4 kg of air for every kg of producer gas. One of the pre-requisites for the producer gas to be suitable for internal combustion application is the cleanliness of the gas apart from the composition. Conventionally, the gas purity is specified by quantifying the contaminant levels in terms of particulate and tar matter. The permissible levels of gas quality also differ with the nature of the engine’s induction process.


            Producer gas can either be used in mono or dual-fuel mode in reciprocating engines. In case of mono-fuel mode of operation, the gas is fuelled to a Spark Ignition (SI) engine, whereas in the dual-fuel mode it is operated along with small quantity of liquid fuel (high-speed diesel, furnace oil or bio-diesel) in a compression ignition (CI) engine. The choice of mode of operation is entirely dictated by the economics of operation, and of course on the availability of appropriate engines.


            Conventionally, gasifiers can be classified as fixed bed and fluidized bed gasifiers. In a fixed bed gasifier, the charge is held statically on a grate and the air moving through the fuel bed leads to gasification in the presence of heat. In a fluidized bed system, the charge is suspended using air as the fluidizing media. The fluidized bed system generates excessively large tar-laden gas and external cracking using dolomite bed is necessary to bring down the tar to acceptable levels and hence the approach is limited to large power level systems. There are again variations in fluidized bed system known as the circulating fluidized bed system designed to make the system more compact. It is well recognized that for power levels of 1 MWe or less, fixed bed systems offer excellent performance at lower capital costs.

1.1.2 Different Types of Gasifiers:

       Fixed bed gasifiers are classified depending upon the flow path of feedstock (biomass) and the generated gas (producer gas) as updraft, cross draft and downdraft systems. The updraft system is of counter current design, wherein the biomass and resultant gas flow path are in opposing directions as shown in Fig1.( a) In this case, the volatiles released from biomass in the upper region of the reactor do not pass through the hot char bed and therefore exit the reactor without cracking along with the producer gas. This gas is therefore less amenable for engine operation than thermal applications. In a cross draft system the flow path of biomass and resultant gas are normal to each other as shown in Fig1(b). Even this system produces tar-laden gas and is therefore not amenable for engine operations.

Figure 1: Gasifier Types – (a) Updraft, (b) Crossdraft

(a)                                                                (b)

Figure 2: Downdraft Gasifier – (a) Closed Top, (b) Open Top Re-burn


            The downdraft system shown in Fig.2 is a co-current design wherein biomass and the resultant gas flow path are in the same (downward) direction. It is known from literature that among the fixed bed gasifiers, the downdraft design generates less of tarladen gas and is amenable for thermal and engine applications. This happens by design wherein tar cracking occurs within the reactor (the gases generated in the upper regions of the reactor pass through the hot bed char). These allow for simpler gas clean-up system for usage of gas in internal combustion engines. In the design shown in Fig.2 (a) the reactor top is normally kept closed and hence referred as ‘closed top’. This design has a barrel shaped reactor with a provision for opening the top for feedstock charging and a narrow region called the ‘throat’ for tar cracking, a feature very vital for wood based systems. The gasification media i.e. air is drawn through the air nozzles/tuyures located at the oxidation zone.

            The open top re-burn design shown in Fig.2 (b) has concepts that can be argued to be helpful in reducing the tar levels in the resultant gas. This design has a long cylindrical reactor with air entry both from the top and the oxidation zone. The principal feature of the design is related to residence time of the reacting mixture in the reactor so as to generate a combustible gas with low tar content at different throughputs. This is achieved by the combustible gases generated in the combustion zone located around the side air nozzles to be reburnt before passing though a bottom section of hot char. Also the reacting mixture is allowed to stay in the high temperature environment along with reactive char for such duration that ensures cracking of higher molecular weight molecules.


1.1.3 Producer Gas Fuel:

            Producer gas obtained from incomplete combustion of biomass, typically contains 18-20% each of H2 and CO, 2% CH4 and, rest inert like CO2 and N2. The lower calorific value varies between 4.5 – 4.9 MJ/kg, with stoichiometric air-to-fuel ratio being 1.25 + 0.05 on mass basis. Some of the fundamental data relating to producer gas are compared with pure gases.  The comparison of producer gas with methane is more vital with regard to the internal combustion engine operation. This is because most of the engines operating on gaseous fuels are either close to pure methane (natural gas) or diluted methane (bio-gas, land-fill gas). The fuel-air equivalence ratio (actual fuel to air ratio)/(stoichiometric fuel to air ratio) at the flammability limits compares closely for both the gases, but the laminar burning velocity for producer gas at the lean limits is much higher. The laminar burning velocity for producer gas (at 0.1MPa, 300K) is about 0.5 m/sec, which is about 30% higher than methane.

            This feature is argued to demand lower advancement in the ignition timing and needs consideration while arriving at the optimum ignition timing for the producer gas fuel.


            Like any other gaseous fuel, producer gas can be used for internal combustion engine operation provided the gas is sufficiently clean such that contaminant does not accumulate in the intermediary passages to the engine cylinder. But this fuel has largely been left unexploited due to additional perceptions, namely auto-ignition tendency at higher compression ratio (CR), large de-rating in power due to energy density being low. However, these perceptions need re-examination and clarification. The arguments against the classical view in favour of better knock resistivity are as follows. Firstly, with the laminar burning velocity being high due to the presence of hydrogen (more so, with the gasifier system adopted in this work) might reduce the tendency for the knock. Secondly, the presence of inert in the raw gas (CO2 and N2) might suppress the pre-flame reactions that are responsible for knocking on account of increased dilution. Also the maximum flame temperature attainable with the producer gas being lower compared to conventional fuels like methane, one could expect better knock resistivity.


1.1.4 Producer Gas Carburetor:          

            A carburetor is a device that blends air and fuel for an internal combustion engine. The fuel in this case would be Producer Gas generated from biomass gasification systems after having been modified for some of its components. Producer gas consists of carbon monoxide and hydrogen with some amount carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen.

            The blend of air and producer gas can then be fed into Direct Injection Engines for combustion purposes.


Figure 3: Experimental setup of PG Carburettor


            Mixing devices for gases used in gas engines generally referred to as carburetor, for mixing air and gaseous fuels are commonly attached to the intake manifold of an internal combustion engine. In gas carburetor the mixing of air and gaseous fuels needs to be in a proper ratio for a particular demand of the engine. In designing the producer gas carburetor, simplicity and ruggedness have always been considered as a basic requirement to achieve easy adjustment and reproducible performance. The effective area reduction of gas and air entry holes is considered by taking a suitable coefficient of discharge. The air and fuel flow is through orifices into the mixing chamber of the carburetor which enables proper mixing of air and fuel. The producer gas carburetor is being designed to have air and fuel flow at ambient conditions to be stoichiometry.

            The producer gas carburetor is as shown in the Figure 3 has orifices placed at air and gas inlets such that the A/F ratio at ambient flow condition should be stoichiometry for a engine suction pressure of a 25 kWe engine. The amount of fuel flow inside the carburetor is controlled by a butterfly valve which is located prior to the air and fuel inlet orifices. The pressure balancing electronic controller drives suitably the butterfly valve with the help of a motor that brings the valves for a null pressure differential across the manifolds for the fuel and air attached upstream to the main engine manifold and works in suction pressures. If the differential pressure at both the carburetor manifolds are maintained at zero, with the manifolds tuned for their effective flow areas to match the ideal mixture condition, then the mixture flow what we get at engine intake manifold will be stoichiometry.


            The Figure 3 shown above is the geometric model of the producer gas carburetor designed and analyzed for optimal pressure drop with good mixing ability. In order to overcome the problems associated with the use of zero pressure regulators and to maintain the stoichiometry A/F mixture, carburetor uses the orifices at both air and gas lines. Orifices are designed based on the mass flow rate of producer gas required for IC engine.




            Sridhar Guru Raja Rao

            In this author discussed about producer gas based spark-Ignited Reciprocating engines, gaseous fuels are gaining prominence as cleaner fuels for power generation via internal combustion engine route, the power generation package including both reciprocating engines and gas turbine machinery. Complete combustion with minimal emission is the key feature of gaseous fuels and this feature is currently being exploited the world-over for power generation purposes. Producer gas derived from biomass is one such eco-friendly gaseous fuel. While natural gas is the most use done, next one being the land fill gas or biogas, which is diluted natural gas (with 20-30%CO2) biomass based producer gas is perhaps the least used fuel,



            Sumer B. Dirbude, Sheshagiri G.S and Dr.N .K.S.Rajan

The study reported in this paper forms initial experimentation efforts for the development of the lambda sensor based Producer gas carburetor for frequent load changes and throw off conditions using feedback control system. This paper aims on the experimentations carried out for the design confirmation of the control and actuation parts and discuss the results obtained.                              

Currently no Producer gas carburetors are being sold commercially. So the development of the carburetor which will fulfill all the requirements of low energy density fuels is a need of the time.



            T.R.Ani1, S.D.Ravi, M.Shashikanth, P.G.Tewari and N.K.S.Rajan

The study reported in this paper on a specially designed producer gas carburetor is comprehensively analyzed for its mixing performance and response with a CFD modeling. The model is made up of a mixer chamber that has the essential orifices for air and fuel (producer gas) inlets to generate stable stoichiometric mixture at near to ambient conditions using the induction of the engine as the driving pressure differential for the flow, and tested for a case of engine of 25 kWe capacity. The CFD simulations are carried out followed with experimental studies to validate the analysis. The results show a consistency in the experimental data and the modeling has provided a good insight into the flow details and has paved way in optimization in the geometrical design to get a good mixing efficiency.



            Diego Alejandro Arias

The study contains the CFD analysis of the most important parts found in the sensitivity analysis: the main fuel orifice and the carburetor venturi. The CFD studies allowed gaining a better understanding of the flow characteristics in these elements, and their results were used to develop engineering correlations that may be implemented in the one-dimensional model.

It was found that the flow in the small metering orifices behaves like a small pipe, which may be characterized with an inlet pressure loss coefficient and a Darcy friction factor. The analysis of the carburetor venturi showed that the flow may be considered isentropic from the inlet of the venturi to the venturi throat. Besides the throttle plate, the fuel tube is the most important part controlling the flow field and the pressure losses downstream of the venturi throat.



            Anil K. Rajvanshi  

         In this author told how the biomass fuel useful for producing very low emission. Modern agriculture is an extremely energy intensive process. However high agricultural productivities and subsequently the growth of green revolution has been made possible only by large amount of energy inputs, especially those from fossil fuels1. With recent price rise and scarcity of these fuels there has been a trend towards use of alternative energy sources like solar, wind, and geothermal etc.2 however these energy resources have not been able to provide an economically viable solution for agricultural purpose.


            One biomass energy based system, which has been proven reliable and had been extensively used for transportation and on farm systems during World War II is wood or biomass gasification4.


            Biomass gasification means incomplete combustion of biomass resulting in production of combustible gases consisting of Carbon monoxide (CO), Hydrogen (H2) and traces of Methane (CH4).

            This mixture is called producer gas. Producer gas can be used to run internal combustion engines (both compression and spark ignition), can be used as substitute for furnace oil in direct heat applications and can be used to produce, in an economically viable way, methanol – an extremely attractive chemical which is useful both as fuel for heat engines as well as chemical feedstock for industries5. Since any biomass material can undergo gasification, this process is much more attractive than ethanol production or biogas where only selected biomass materials can produce the fuel.



G. Sridhar, P.J. Paul and H.S. Mukunda

This paper uncovers some of the misconceptions associated with the usage of producer gas, a lower calorific gas as a reciprocating engine fuel. This paper particularly addresses the use of producer gas in reciprocating engines at high compression ratio (17:1), which hitherto had been restricted to lower compression ratio (up to 12:1). This restriction in compression ratio has been mainly attributed to the auto-ignition tendency of the fuel, which appears to be simply a matter of presumption rather than fact. The current work clearly indicates the breakdown of this compression ratio barrier and it is shown that the engine runs smoothly at compression ratio of 17:1 without any tendency of auto-ignition. Experiments have been conducted on multi-cylinder spark ignition engine modified from a production diesel engine at varying compression ratios from 11:5:1 to 17:1 by retaining the combustion chamber design. As expected, working at a higher compression ratio turned out to be more efficient and also yielded higher brake power.

A maximum brake power of 17:5 kWe was obtained at an overall efficiency of 21% at the highest compression ratio. The maximum de-rating of power in gas mode was 16% as compared to the normal diesel mode of operation at comparable compression ratio, whereas, the overall efficiency declined by 32.5%. A careful analysis of energy balance revealed excess energy loss to the coolant due to the existing combustion chamber design. Addressing the combustion chamber design for producer gas fuel should form a part of future work in improving the overall efficiency.



            Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is the analysis of systems involving fluid flow, heat transfer and associated phenomena such as chemical reactions by means of computer-based simulation. The technique is very powerful and spans a wide range of industrial and non – industrial application areas. Some examples are:-

Ø      Aerodynamics of aircrafts and vehicles: Lift and drag.

Ø      Hydrodynamics of ships.

Ø      Power Plants: combustion in IC engines and gas turbines

Ø      Turbo-machinery: Flow inside rotating passages, diffusers etc.

Ø      Electrical and electronics engineering: cooling of equipment including microcircuits.

Ø      Chemical process engineering: mixing and separation, polymer moulding.

Ø      Marine engineering: loads on off-shore structures

Ø      Biomedical engineering : blood flows through arteries and veins.


            From 1960s onwards the aerospace industry has integrated CFD techniques into the design, R & D and manufacture of aircraft and jet engines. More recently the methods have been applied to the design of internal combustion engines, combustion chambers of gas turbines and furnaces. Increasingly CFD is becoming a vital component in the design of industrial products and processes.


There are several unique advantages of CFD over experimental based

Approaches to fluid systems design:-

Ø      Substantial reduction of lead times and cost of new designs.

Ø      Ability to study systems where controlled experiments are difficult or impossible to perform (e.g., very large systems).

Ø      Ability to study systems under hazardous conditions at and beyond their normal performance limits (e.g., safety studies and accidents scenarios).

Ø      Practically unlimited level of detail of results


1.3.1 How does a CFD code works

            CFD codes are structured around the numerical algorithms that can tackle fluid flow problems. In order to provide easy access to their solving power all commercial CFD packages include sophisticated user interfaces to input problem parameters and to examine the results. Hence all codes containing three main elements: (i) a pre-processor, (ii) a solver and (iii) a post-processor. We briefly examine the function of each of these elements within the context of a CFD code.

A) Pre-processor

Pre-Processor consists of the input of a flow problem to a CFD program by means of an operator – friendly interface and the subsequent transformations of this input into a form suitable for use by the solver. The user activities at the preprocessor stage involve:-

Ø      Definition of the geometry of the region of interest: the computational domain

Ø      Grid generation – the sub-division of the domain into a number of smaller, non overlapping sub-domains: a grid (or mesh) of cells (or control volumes or elements).

Ø      Selection of physical and chemical phenomena that need to be modeled

Ø      Definition of fluid properties

Ø      Specification of appropriate boundary conditions at cells which coincide with or touch the domain boundary.


            The solution of a flow problem (velocity, pressure, temperature etc) is defined at nodes inside each cell. The accuracy of a CFD solution is governed by number of cells in the grid. In General, the larger the number of cells, the better the solution accuracy. Both the accuracy of a solution and its cost in terms of necessary computer hardware and calculation time are dependent on the fineness of the grid.


B) Solver:

There are three distinct streams of numerical solution techniques: finite difference, finite element and finite volume method. In outline the numerical methods that form the basis of the solver perform the following steps.

·         Approximation of the unknown flow variables by means of simple functions

·         Discreatisation by substitution of the approximations into the governing flow equations and subsequent mathematical manipulations

·         Solution of the algebraic equations.


The main difference between the three streams is associated with the way in which the flow variables are approximated and with the discretisation processes


C) Finite difference method

            Finite difference method describes the unknown’s Φ of the flow problem by means of point samples at the node points of a grid of co-ordinate lines. Truncated Taylor series expansions are often used to generate finite difference approximations of derivatives of Φ in terms of point’s samples of Φ at each grid point and its immediate neighbours. Those derivatives appearing in the governing equations are replaced by finite differences yielding algebraic equations for the value of Φ at each grid point.


D) Finite element method

            Finite element methods use simple piece wise functions (e.g linear or quadratic) valid on elements to describe the local variations of unknown flow variables Φ. The governing equation is precisely satisfied by the exact solution Φ. If the piece wise approximating functions for Φ are substituted into the equation it will not hold exactly and a residual is defined to measure the errors. Next the residuals (and hence the errors) are minimized in some sense by multiplying them by a set of weighing functions and integrating.

            As a result we obtain a set of algebraic equations for the unknown coefficients of the approximating functions. The theory of finite elements has been developed initially for structural stress analysis


E) Finite volume method

            The finite volume method was originally developed as a special finite difference formulation. There are five main commercially available CFD codes: FLUENT, FLOWED, PHOENICS and STAR-CD. The numerical algorithm consists of following steps.

Ø      Forma integration of the governing equations of fluid flow over all the (finite) control volumes of the solution domain

Ø      Discretisation involves the substitution of a variety a finite difference type approximations for the terms in the integrated equations representing flow processes such as convection, diffusion and sources. This converts integral equations in to a system of algebraic equations.

Ø      Solution of the algebraic equations by an iterative method


F) Post – Processor

            As in pre-processing a huge amount of development work has recently taken place in the post – processing field. Owing to the increased popularity of engineering workstations many of which have outstanding graphics capabilities, the leading CFD packages are now equipped with versatile data visualization tools, these include:-

Ø      Domain geometry and grid display

Ø      Vector plots

Ø      Line and shaded contour plots

Ø      2D and 3D surface plots

Ø      Particle tracking

Ø      View manipulation (translation, rotation, scaling, etc.)

Ø      Colour postscript output


            More recently these facilities may also include animation for dynamic result display and in addition to graphics all codes produce trustly alphanumeric output and have data export facilities for further manipulation external to the code as in many other branches of CAE other graphics output capabilities of CFD codes have revolutionized the communication of ideas to the non – specia.


G) Numerical formulation of methodology

Governing equations

            For a general flow problem involving heat transfer there are seven unknowns: pressure, temperature, velocities along the three co-ordinate axes and internal energy. Therefore, Six governing equation are required to solve the problem. These governing equations are continuity, momentum equations along three coordinate axes, energy equation and two equations of state. Governing equations for unsteady, time-dependent, three dimensional flow of a compressible Newtonian fluid are given by

(i) Continuity equation


(ii) Momentum Equation: (Navier-stokes equation)




Where SMx, SMy, SMz are source terms, include contribution due to body forces only (for example the body force due to gravity would be modeled by SMz=-ρg) and τ is viscous stress.

(iii) Energy equation

Where  is the source of energy per unit volume per unit time and E is the sum of internal energy and gravitational potential energy.


1.3.2 Introduction to FLUENT

            CFD is primarily used as a design aid for predicting the performance. Characteristics of equipment involving fluid flow and heat transfer. The ability to Simulate heat transfer and fluid flow problems numerically even before a prototype being built, reduces the cost and most essentially time of development to a greater extent. Obviously, CFD results have to be continuously checked experimentation ensuring the numerical predictions are reliable. Thus a cycle is formed involving theoretical predictions, CFD and experimentation. FLUENT is one of the most widely used computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software package to simulate fluid flow related problems. It uses the finite – volume method to solve the governing equations for a fluid. It provides the capability to use different physical models such as incompressible or compressible, in viscid or viscous, laminar or turbulent, etc.


            Once a grid has been read into FLUENT, all remaining operations are performed within the solver like setting boundary conditions, defining fluid properties, iterating the solution and post processing the results.


1.3.3 Discretization of Governing Equations

            Discretion is the process whereby the continuous governing differential equations are replaced by their counterparts. The differential equations are transformed to algebraic equations, which should correctly approximate the transport properties of the physical process. Discreatization identifies the node locations used to model the physical problem configuration. In order to solve these algebraic equations it is necessary to calculate the transport property at the cell faces, which the upwinding differencing scheme does. The important steps involved in the discretization procedure are listed below:-

Ø      Division of the computational domain into discrete control volumes using a general curvilinear grid

Ø      Integration of the governing equations on the individual control volumes to construct the algebraic equation for discrete unknowns



            Upwinding difference scheme is simple and has been widely used in CFD calculations. This scheme takes into account the flow direction while determining the value at the cell face. The scheme is based on the backward differencing formula. So the accuracy is only first order on the basis of the Taylor Series Truncation Error (TSTE). The use of the upwinding quantities ensure that the schemes are very stable and obey the transportiveness requirement but the first order accuracy makes them prone to numerical diffusion errors. Employing higher order schemes can minimize such errors. Higher order discretization schemes involve more neighbor points and reduce the discretization errors by bringing in a wide influence


1.3.4 Modeling of turbulence

            The flow through diffuser is turbulent. Turbulence is the most complicated kind of fluid motion. Turbulent flows are unsteady, irregular, three dimensional and dissipative. Turbulent velocity fluctuations can generate rates of momentum transfer, which are far greater than those due to molecular diffusion


            The flow coming from the combustion chamber is turbulent in nature and therefore the turbulence model is an important component of CFD analysis. For present analysis, the K-ε and K-ω two equation model is used.

            In turbulent flows, the velocity at the point is considered as the sum of the mean (time averaged) and fluctuating components:-



            Substituting the expressions of his form into the basic momentum equations (and dropping the over – bar on the mean velocity, u) yields the ensemble-averaged momentum equations, for predicting turbulent flows.


            The above equation has the same form as the fundamental momentum balance. Equation of velocities now representing time averaged (or mean flow) values and the effect of turbulence through the “Reynolds Stress”,


The K-ε Turbulence model

            The K-ε turbulence model is an eddy viscosity model in which the Reynolds Stresses are assumed to be proportionate to the mean velocity gradients, with the constant of proportionality being the turbulent viscosity, the assumption is known as Boussineq hypothesis, provides the following expression for the Reynolds Stresses:-

Where K is the turbulent kinetic energy given by the expression:


            The forms of turbulent momentum equations remain identical to the form of laminar Momentum equations expect that is replaced by an effective viscosity (μeff)



Equations of the turbulent viscosity

The turbulent viscosity μt is obtained by assuming that it is proportional to the product of a turbulent viscosity scale and length scale. In the K-ε turbulence model, These velocity (K) and dissipation rate (ε). The velocity scale is taken to be K and the scale is taken to be



Where Cμ is an empirical derived constant of proportionality (Cμ=0.09)


Transport equation for K and ε

The value of K and ε required are obtained by solution of conservation

equations, Turbulent energy (k)


Turbulence dissipation rate (ε)

Where C1 and C2 are empirical constants and σk and σε are prandtl numbers

giving Pk generation of K



σk is the turbulent prandtl numbers μtCp/kt The coefficient C1, C2, Cμ, σε, are empirical constants which have the following empirically derived values. C1 = 1.44, C2 =1.92, Cμ=0.09, σε=1.3


1.4 Problem definition:

            The producer gas carburetor used for fairly well mixing of air and fuel before combustion chamber for SI engine to decrease the emission produced from exhaust.  It is because homogeneous mixing of producer gas and air takes place in the carburetor. Due to this homogenous mixing, complete combustion of fuel takes place inside the combustion chamber. Hence as the combustion efficiency increases, therefore engine efficiency also increases and due to this complete combustion of fuel the emissions emitted by the engine will reduce.CFD simulations are performed for different set of air and fuel ratios.


1.5 Objectives:

            The Objective of the present research will focus on developing an advanced Producer Gas Carburetor for SI engine. This system will make the well mixing of air and fuel before enter into the combustion chamber. Because of Producer Gas properties and this well mixed air-fuel enter into combustion chamber and the exhaust gas produces less emission.

1.5.1 Qualitative objectives:

            The flow field will be described by plotting the following on 3 different Planes for the geometric configurations at one design point only.

  • Velocity and pressure contours
  • Vector plots and path lines


1.6 Assumptions:

            The following assumptions are used in order to simplify the problem

·         The Working fluid considered is air.

·         The Producer Gas Carburetor used in this project is of  its inlet crosssection area for air and PG used is of 50x50x50x50mm respectively.

·         The flow is steady and incompressible.




     The below fig.4 shows designing of the producer gas carburetor, simplicity and ruggedness have always been considered as a basic requirement to achieve easy adjustment and reproducible performance. The effective area reduction of gas and air entry holes is considered by taking a suitable coefficient of discharge. The air and fuel flow is through orifices into the mixing chamber of the carburetor which enables proper mixing of air and fuel. The producer gas carburetor is being designed to have air and fuel flow at ambient conditions to be stoichiometry.

Figure 4: Simplified model of PG Carburettor 


            The producer gas carburetor has orifices placed at air and gas inlets such that the A/F ratio at ambient flow condition should be stoichiometry for an engine suction pressure of a 25 kWe engine. The amount of fuel flow inside the carburetor is controlled by a butterfly valve which is located prior to the air and fuel inlet orifices.  

            The  pressure  balancing  electronic  controller drives suitably the  butterfly  valve with  the help of a motor  that brings the valves for a null pressure differential across the manifolds  for the fuel and air attached upstream to the main engine  manifold  and  works  in  suction  pressures.  If the differential pressure at both the carburetor manifolds is maintained at zero, with the manifolds tuned for their effective flow areas to match the ideal mixture condition, then the mixture flow obtained at engine intake manifold will be stoichiometry. The geometric model of the producer gas carburetor designed and  analyzed  for  optimal  pressure  drop  with  good  mixing  ability  has  been  reported  in  the literature.


            The  air  and  producer  gas  passes  through  inlets  of  50  mm  x  50  mm.  The air inlet is kept tangential to the mixing chamber whereas producer gas inlet is radial to the mixing chamber. The outlet diameter is 35 mm based on the inputs for Reynolds number and velocity at the outlet assuming air at Standard Temperature Pressure.


            Air and producer gas enter into mixing chamber through an orifice of 28.0mm and 26.5mm diameter respectively. This will not be considered in the CFD analysis.


            The experimental tests done on the geometry described in Figure 3 have been tabulated below in table 1.

Table 1: Experimental Description of Model





Sl no

∆p across venturi


(air side) g/s

∆P across venture meter (PG side) g/s

∆P across air orifice in mm of water column

∆P across PG orifice in mm of water column

Absolute pressure (carburetor outlet) mm of water column

Air flow rate g/s

Fuel flow rate g/s




A/F ratio

































































            In the present analysis, we will be considering a geometrical modification for taking advantage of the low pressure generated at the core of the vortex generated by the tangential air inlet. The final geometry considered for this analysis will have the following geometrical description which is given in table 2.

Table 2: Geometrical description of the Model



Mixing Section cylinder diameter


Mixing Section cylinder Length


Outlet Diameter


Outlet Cylindrical Section length 


Air inlet duct cross-section

50mm X 50mm X 50mm X 50mm

Air inlet duct length


Air inlet duct location

Tangential but 200 angle w. r. t the direction of the redial direction at 45mm form the end of the carburetor and 72mm offset from the axis of the mixing section cylinder 

PG inlet duct cross section

50mm X 50mm X 50mm X 50mm

PG inlet duct length


PG inlet duct location

Radially inward at 45mm from the end of the carburetor.


2.2: Grid Generation:

Figure 5: Mesh Model of Geometry

            Analysis will be done to determine the flow field, air/producer gas distribution for geometrical configurations at different air and fuel flow rates as reported in the experimental set-up. ANSYS ICEM CFD will be used for generating multi-block structured mesh for the geometries and ANSYS FLUENT will be used for doing the single phase multi species flow simulation. 


2.3 Domain Conditions: 

                The  CFD  simulation  will  not  include  the  orifices  preceding  the  inlets but the geometry as described in Figure 1. A single phase, multispecies simulation will be carried out under atmospheric isothermal operating conditions for the geometry for the different set of air and PG boundary conditions. Turbulence will be modeled according to the k­e RNG turbulence model with wall functions for near wall treatment. A total of 7 transport equations will be solved: 1continuity, 3 momentum, 2 turbulence and 1 species equation for producer gas. The mass fraction of air being abundant will be calculated from the constraint relationship of (mass fractions of species) = 1. 


2.4 Material properties: 

            Air  ideal  gas  and  Producer  gas  are  considered  to  be  different  species  with  their  averaged properties based on their individual constitution. The following volume percentage has been considered based on the experimental data available in the literature. 

Table 3: Material Properties


Air (%)

Producer Gas (%)

Carbon dioxide



Carbon Monoxide






















            The transport and specific properties of air and Producer Gas therefore used  for or isothermal flow simulation are the following: 


Table 4: The Transport and Specific Properties of Air and Producer Gas



Producer Gas

Density (Kg/m3)



Viscosity (Pa.S)

1.179 x 10-5

1.452 x 10-5

Specific Heat (J/kg-k)



Thermal Conductivity (W/m-K)





2.5 Boundary Conditions: 

            The problem set-up has static pressure at the inlets and mass flow at outlets. As ANSYS FLUENT will be used in the present analysis, we will be using the experimental mass flow rates at the air and PG inlets and pressure outlet at the outlet boundary.  For air inlet boundary condition mass and momentum, static pressure equivalent to domain reference pressure is set with flow condition being subsonic. The initial condition of flow through the air inlet with air ideal mass fraction as 1 is considered. The initial boundary condition for fuel inlet is same as the air inlet except for the flow of producer gas mass fraction being 1 at the inlet. The boundary condition for carburetor outlet is of different mass flow rate which is to be simulated is considered.



To simulate the turbulence parameters, a standard k-ε RNG model has been chosen with isothermal heat transfer condition at 300 K. The Solver uses k-ε RNG model with two new variables.


2.7 Numerical Scheme

            The numerical scheme of FLUENT solver is based on finite volume technique, and involves the following steps

1.      Integration of the governing equations of fluid flow over all the control volumes of the solution domain.

2.      Discretization involves substitution of the terms in the integrated equation representing flow processes such as convection, diffusion and sources with    finite-volume type approximation and thereby converting into algebraic equations.

3.      The algebraic equations are solved iteratively.



            Computation uses a coupled solver, which solves the hydrodynamic equations (for u, v, w, p) as a single system. This solution approach uses a fully implicit discretization of the equations at any given time step. Second-order Backward Euler (SBE) method used for discretizing the transient term and high resolution method for discretizing the convection terms. Time step of 10CA and RMS residual type with a residual target of 1e-05 is used for simulation.




            In this section, mass fraction plot, contour plot of pressure and velocity across the different cross sectional plane is presented, for different air and producer gas ratios. Furthermore mass fraction, pressure and velocity graphs against different length are presented.


3.1.1 CASE I: Air fuel Ratio (2.931)

Ø     Mass Fraction Plot:

Table 5: Quantitative Objectives

PG mass flow rate

0.00942300 [kg s^-1]

Air mass flow rate

0.02762000 [kg s^-1]

MF Spread at outlet


Pressure drop

36919.55 [Pa]



Graph 1: Mass Fraction V/s Length of Carburetor:



            From the above graph it is observed that Mass fraction is high at air inlet and low at PG inlet. PG and air fairly well making its mass fraction variation nearly 0.00057. This mass fraction is to be considered as a good enough for premixed combustion. This proper mixed fuel and air will enter into the combustion chamber. Because of this there will be a complete combustion and the exhaust gas produces low emissions.



Graph 2: Pressure V/s Length of Carburetor:

            From the above graph it is observed that pressure will be high at the inlets of producer gas and the air inlet. And it will be low at the middle section of the carburetor and at the outlet of the carburetor. The pressure drop observed here is 36919.55 [Pa].

Graph 3: Velocity V/s Length of Carburetor:

        From the above graph it is observed that velocity is very low at inlet of producer gas and air.  And in the middle section it will be high. And at the outlet velocity is low which is around 8 m/s. which is considered to be good for SI engine.

3.1.2 CASE II: Air fuel ratio (2.074)

Ø     Mass fraction Plot:

Figure 11: Mass fraction Plot

Ø     Vector Plot:

Figure 12: Vector Plot


Ø     Pressure plot:

Figure 13: Pressure plot


Ø     Velocity contours:

Figure 14: Velocity contour


Ø     Velocity Path lines:

Figure 15: Velocity Path lines


Table 6: Quantitative Objectives

PG mass flow rate

0.01332000 [kg s^-1]

Air mass flow rate

0.02762000 [kg s^-1]

MF Spread at outlet


Pressure drop

29884.05 [Pa]





Graph 4: Mass Fraction V/s Length of Carburetor:



            From the above graph it is observed that Mass fraction is high at air inlet and low at PG inlet. PG and air fairly well making its mass fraction variation nearly 0.00081813. This mass fraction is to be considered as a good enough for premixed combustion. This proper mixed fuel and air will enter into the combustion chamber. Because of this there will be a complete combustion and the exhaust gas produces low emissions.

Graph 5: Pressure V/s Length of Carburetor:

            From the above graph it is observed that   pressure will be high at the inlets of producer gas and the air inlet. And it will be low at the middle section of the carburetor and at the outlet of the carburetor. The pressure drop observed here is 29884.05 [Pa].


Graph 6: Velocity V/s Length of Carburetor:

            From the above graph it is observed that velocity is very low at inlet of producer gas and air and in the middle section it will be high. And at the outlet velocity is low which is around 5 m/s. which is considered to be good for SI engine.


3.1.3 cASE III: Air fuel ratio (1.692)

Ø      Mass Fraction Plot:

Figure 16: Mass Fraction Plot


Ø      Vector Plot:

Figure 17: Vector Plot



Ø      Pressure plot:

Figure 18: Pressure Plot


Ø      Velocity plot:

Figure 19: Velocity Plot




Ø      Velocity path lines:

Figure 20: Velocity path lines


Table 7: Quantitative Objectives

PG mass flow rate

0.01632000 [kg s^-1]

Air mass flow rate

0.02762000 [kg s^-1]

MF Spread at outlet


Pressure drop

31426.9 [Pa]










Graph 7: Mass Fraction V/s Length of Carburetor:


            From the above graph it is observed that Mass fraction is high at air inlet and low at PG inlet. PG and air fairly well making its mass fraction variation nearly 0.00088840. This mass fraction is to be considered as a good enough for premixed combustion. This proper mixed fuel and air will enter into the combustion chamber. Because of well mixing fuel entering into the combustion chamber there will be a complete combustion and the exhaust gas produces low emissions.


Graph 8: Pressure V/s Length of Carburetor:

            From the above graph it is observed that pressure will be high at the inlets of producer gas and the air inlet. And it will be low at the middle section of the carburetor and at the outlet of the carburetor. The pressure drop observed here is 31426.9 [Pa].

Graph 9: Velocity V/s Length of Carburetor:

            From the above graph it is observed that velocity is very low at inlet of producer gas and air and in the middle section it will be high. And at the outlet velocity is low which is around 9 m/s. which is considered to be good for SI engine.

Graph 10: Comparison of Pressure Drop for Different PG Ratio:

            The graph plotted here is the pressure drop against the producer gas inlet for different air fuel ratios. The pressure is increasing as the  producer gas mass rate  increases.

Graph 11: Comparison of Mass Fraction for Different PG Ratio:

            The graph plated here is the mass fraction against the producer gas inlet for different air fuel ratios. It is observed from the graph the mass fraction is in the range of 0.0005 to 0.001. which is consistency with result obtained in the experimental data from literature considered to be good for premixed combustion.



            Turbulent model based on k-ε RNG theory with a RANS code has been used for the CFD predictions of the producer gas mass fraction has been evaluated leading to bringing out of an optimal design of the Producer Gas Carburetor.  It is observed that mass fraction is around 0.0005 to 0.001 inside the Producer Gas Carburetor which is considered to be good for premixed combustion as it is consistency in the experimental data obtained from literature, so there will be a proper mixing of air and fuel lead to a stoichiometric mixture inside the Carburetor. This well mixed fuel will enter into the combustion chamber and there will be a complete combustion. Because of properties of producer gas fuel and the well mixing of air and fuel, the emission produced will be low at the exhaust.



            Simulation can be continued for different set of air and producer gas fuel ratios.  And also we can do the simulation by modifying the geometry of producer gas carburetor by changing the position of the inlet of the producer gas for different angles from 0 to 90 degrees.








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