Body Temperature


Body Temperature

Definition:-It is the balance between the heat production and heat loss from the human body. Body heat is measured in degrees

Purposes of measuring body temperature

                   To have baseline data about patient

                   To asses the patients condition

                   To determine the effectiveness of treatment


Physiology of body temperature

There are two types of body temperature

Core Body Temperature:- it refers to the temperature of the body’s internal organs, such ,as the heart, liver, brain and blood. The normal range of core temperature is between 36.5°C and 37.5°C

Surface Temperature:- It is the temperature of the outermost surface of the body. Surface temperature fluctuates more depending on the external environment. Temperature readings taken under the tongue, in the ear canal and in the rectum are considered as important sites for measuring surface temperature. While typically 98.6°F (37°C) is considered as normal temperature, some studies have shown that normal body temperature can be within a wide range, from 97°C (36.1°C) to99°F(37.2°C).

Regulation of body temperature (thermoregulation)

·        A process called thermoregulation controls the physiological and behavioural mechanisms that regulate heat loss and heat production. The relationship is regulated by six mechanisms. 

·        Neural and vascular control is governed by the hypothalamus, located between the cerebral hemisphere. The hypothalamus works like a thermostat, which establishes a comfortable 'set point’. The anterior hypothalamus controls heat loss, while the posterior hypothalamus controls heat production. 

·        Heat product is a by product of metabolism. Food is the primary source of the body’s metabolic process. Heat production occurs through the basal metabolic rate (BMR),as well as through shivering and non shivering thermogenesis, which occurs in neonates 

·        Heat loss occurs through the processes of evaporation, conduction, convection and radiation. 

·        The skin, subcutaneous tissue, and fat keep heat inside the body.

·        Behavioural control depends upon a person’s ability to control body  temperature through

o       The degree of temperature extreme

o       The ability to sense comfort or discomfort

o       Through processes or emotions

o       The person’s mobility or ability to add or remove clothing

            It is a function of the body to maintain a constant temperature of internal organs by regulating the heat. The heat of the body is measured in units called degrees. The core internal temperature of 98.6°F does not vary more than 1.4°F and is contrast, the external temperature rises and falls  according to the changes in the environment.  There are a number of factors, which can affect the heat balance by affecting the heat production and heat loss. 


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