Adolescents [ age 10-19] and young adults (age 20-24) together compose about 21% of the population of the United States.  As consecutive life stages, adolescents and young adulthood mark periods of developmental transition from childhood to full fledged adulthood.


The adolescent safety and health programmes aims:-

1.     Elevate national, state and community focus on and commitment to the health, safety, positive development and well being of adolescents young adults and their families.


2.     Improve health and safety outcomes for adolescents and young adults in such areas a mortality, unintentional injury, violence oral and mental health, tobacco and physical and nutrition activity, reproductive health and the prevention of adult chronic disease.


3.     Adress the influence of social determinates on adolescents and young adult health, safety and well being.


4.     The adolescents and young adult health program reaches a wide variety of health professionals.  Programme administrates and policy makes with the intent of providing information and resources to assistant them in the development of sound programs and policies at community, state and national levels that will help adolescents and young adult to thrive.


Recommendations of programme:-

          The following recommendations shall be considered for improving adolescents health services.

1.      Introduce age appropriate sex education with abuse prevention skills at schools, colleges and also in the community to bridge the knowledge gap in adolescent with this approach sexual abuse, early sex debut and unsafe sexual practice can be reduced and the contraceptive.  Usage can be increased.  This inturn prevents unwanted pregnancy AIDS / SITS and its complications.


2.     Take step to delay age of marriage through advocacy, counseling and strict enforcement of law.  Adults should be enforcement of law.  Adults should be educated to prevent early marriage teenage pregnancy and its complications.


3.     Educate adolescent and parents regarding the nutritional requirement and to adopt diet appropriate for age.


4.     Psychological disorders and social misbehavioural can be greatly reduced by giving top priority and effective implementation of mental health services at all levels.  Educate parents and teachers to improve the quality of relationship with children to ensure a safe, secure and appropriate environment.


5.     All PHC’s has to be equipped to delivery AFHS beyond existing days and time restriction.  A separate sophisticated wing to treat adolescent at secondary and tertiary care level can be established.


6.     Medical officers and the health workers at all level should be given.  Exclusive training in handling adolescents.  Health workers of same gender should address the problem of boys and girls separately.


7.     Facilitate better relationship of trust and confidence in adolescents to get accurate and detailed information related to their health problems.


8.     Counselling should be strengthened by well trained health care providers and involve parents and elders of the family in home based counseling.


9.     Encourage community participation in mobilizing adolescents to build life skills and to take active part in community programmes.


10.                        Strict enforcement of laws related to traffic rules, prohibiting sale of tobacco, alcohol and other substance of abuse to minors restricting advertisement related to junk food products is essential.


11.                        Online consultation and counseling can be considered.  It will be accessible and give a feel of security and confidentiality for adolescent population.


12.                        Universal coverage of adolescent friendly clinics is highly recommended.  Through that routine screening of adolescent for health problems.  And their risk factors by creating a standardized protocol can be initiated and the services required can be provided.


13.                        To avoid unnecessary wastage of resources AFHS should come under one roof.  It should be accessible, assure confidentiality appropriate and specific for the locality, with well trained health workers.  A diplomatic approach and convenient timings.




          Provide a safe and supportive environment to adolescents and youths through evidence based, cost effective policy and program interventions targeting adolescents and youth in all settings.  Set up youth friendly health services clinics and increase their availability, access and utilization of such clinics.


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