A)  Infants (0-12 months):-

1 to 2 months:-

        During this period new born is able to lift the chain an prone position.

        Child regard bright coloured object at 20 cm distance.  Child cries when hungry or at discomfort.

·         The child able to turn head towards sound.

2-3 months:-

·        In this age period child able to lift the head and front part of the chest and slowly weight comes on chest to Extended arm.

·        At this age child can follow moving objects.

·        With eye movements and able to focus eyes.

·        In this age produce ‘cooing’, sound and enjoy the people taking with her / him and each other recognize the mother and turn head to sound.


4-5 months:

·        Child can hold head streadily in upright position.

·        Child able to hold a rattle and bright to moth can reach a thing and grasps.

·        It strongly in the palm give respond by making sound and laugh out loudly.

5-6 months:

·        Child able to sit with support can hold the cube and can transfer from one hand to another.

·        Try to imitate sound and enjoy own mirror image

7-8 months:

·        In this age child able to sit without support.

·        Child able to roll in the bed from back

·        The back to abdomen child.  Produce bubbles and able to say the “” words.

·        Child able to recognize unknown person and showing the anxiety.


8-9 months:-

·        Child able to crawl on abdomen able to speak Da Da Ma Ma Pa Pa words without meaning.

8-10 months:

·        Child able to creep on hands and knees can stand with support e.g. furniture able to pick up a pallet with thumb and index to finger.

·        Child understand the emotions like anger anxiety bye bye and want to please care givers say ba ba with meaning.

10-12 months:

·        Child can stand without support and can walk with furniture holding.

·        Able to feed himself pick up smell bits of food and take to mouth able to push toy like car along and play.

·        Simple ball game can able to speak 3-5 meaningful words and understand several words.

·        Meaning respond for affection through the kiss by other person.



15 Months:

·         At this age child able to walk alone can walk several steps.

·        Sidewise and few steps back wards can feed himself or herself without spilling able to turn 2-3 pages at a time.


18 Months:-

·        Child can creep up stairs able to feed from cup take shoes and socks off want potty point the parts of body.

·        If asked build tower of two books and stop taking toys to mouth.  Use 6 to 20 words.  Copy mothers action.



2 years:-

·        During 2 years child able to run and try to climb upstairs by resting on each steps and the climbing up on next.

·        Put shoes and socks on can remove pants, build tower of six to seven blocks can copy and draw a horizontal and vertical line control bladder at day times speak simple sentences without use of verb.

3 Years:-

·        At this age child can walk on tip toes and stand on one leg for seconds.

·        Jump with both feet climb up stairs by co-ordinated manner.

·        Ride tricycle can dress and undress brush teeth with help can drag a circle build tower of nine blocks.

·        Has vocabulary of about 250 words, know own name and sex.

·        Achieve bladder control at high fear with in dark interacts and play simple games with.


Growth and Development

·        Helping your child start to use the potty (or toilet) is a big and very exciting steps for you both.

·        If you stay positive an calm your child will be more likely to settle in to things the secret is to wait for signs that your child.


Toilet training

·        Learning to use the toilet is an important milestone for toddlers.

·        It is a big step as they learn to understand their body’s signal and start being responsible for their own bodies.

·        To make it to the toilet and actually go.




a)   Pre school (3 to 6 years):

·        At this age child can jump and hop able to draw a cross (+) by 4 year and tilted cross (X) by 5 years of age.

·        Can draw a rectangle by 4 year and a triangle by 5 year able to copy letters.


b)   School age (6 to 12 years)

·         At this age child can able to run jump top and climb with better co-ordination.

·        Develop better hand – eye co-ordination able to write better and take self care.


8 to 10 years:-

·        This age group child able to play actively with different physical skill.

·        Improved writing skill and speed use short and compact sentences, participate in family discussion.




    Growth and development, Human development is a life long process of physical, behavioral, cognitive, and emotional growth and change in the early stages of life from babyhood to child hood, childhood to adolescence and adolescence to adulthood enormous changes take places.



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