Health Administration





          Health administration is a branch of public administration which deals with all aspects of the health of the people.  Good health is a prerequisite to human productivity and development process.  A nation’s development depends on the health of its people.  Therefore, promotion of health is basic to national progress.  The public administration aims at social objective of rendering services to the people.



1.   Health administration is a branch of public administration which deals with the matters relating to the promotion of health, prevention of diseases, medical care, rehabilitation, the delivery of health services, the development of health man power, medical education and training.

2.   According to CEA winslow 1920,

Health administration is the science and art of preventing diseases, prolonging life, promoting efficiency through organized community effort for the sanitation of the environment; the control of communicable diseases; the education of the individual in  personal hygiene; organization of medical and nursing services for the early diagnosis and preventive treatment of disease, development of social machinery to ensure every citizen a standard of living adequate for the maintenance of health and thus organizing these benefits as to enable every citizen to realise his birth right to health and longevity.



3.   Health administration is the science and art of organizing and co-ordinating government and non – government agencies whose purpose is to improve the physical, mental and social well – being of the people.



          Important objectives of public health administration are as follows:-

1.   Increasing the average length of human life.

2.   Decreasing the rates of mortality and morbilidty, eg. INR, MMR etc.

3.   Increasing the physical, mental and social well being of the individual.

4.   Increasing the pace of adjustment of individual to his environment.

5.   Providing total health care to enrich the quality of life.

6.   Make provision of primary health care services to every one the irrespective of areas.

7.   Development of health manpower is required to provide proper services to the community.

8.   Implementation of effective measures for the surveillance, prevention and control of major diseases.

9.   Promotion of nutritional standard and formulation of nutrition policies.

10.               Formulation of health policies and their periodic revisions to time.



          The objectives of health administration should serve as a spring board to renewed activities for the health and happiness of humanity.  It is beautifully expressed in the vedic benediction.


Serve Bhavantha Sukkinah – May all human be happy.

Serve Santhu Niramanyah – May all be without disease

Serve bhadrani Pashyantu – May all witness auspicious sights

Maa kaschit Dhukh Bhaghavet – May none have to undergo suffering.




          Health administration should be based on sound principles for effective implementation of various health programmes.  Some of the principles are as follows:-

Ø  There should be sound National Health Policy.

Ø  Sound health administrative structures may be designed for the implementation of the health policy.

Ø  Sound and systematic planning of health programmes is necessary for the benefit of the whole community.

Ø  There should be integration of preventive and curative services at all administrative levels.

Ø  Health should not be considered in isolation from other socio – economic factors.

Ø  There should be untralised directions and decentralized  actions.

Ø  Health opportunities need not be related to the purchasing power of the people

Ø  Planned health programmes should be based on priority and must meet the health need of people.

Ø  Ensure basic health services available, accessible and acceptable to the people as close to their home as possible.

Ø  Health consciousness should  be fostered through health education and by providing opportunities for participation of people in the health programmes.

Ø  Doctors should be trained to act as social physicians as well as to promote healthy and happier life.

Ø  Nursing personnel and other allied health personnel should be given community oriented education in their curriculum.

Ø  New categories of health personnel should be given suitable training to provide proper services to people at their level.

Ø  Medical education can be reoriented and medical services reorganized with the involvement and, co-operation of political and social scientists.

Ø  All the systems of medicine must b eencouraged to provide decent health to the people in the co-ordinated fashion.

Ø  Utilise community resources and encourage local participation to self help programmes at the village level.

Ø  There should be a provision to provide proper facilities and desirable working condition to the health personnel.

Ø  There should be a provision to provide proper facilities and desirable working condition to the health personnel.

Ø  There should be a provision for staff development programme.

Ø  Health services should be organized from the bottom up and not from the top – down

Ø  There should be a provision for periodical evaluation of the programmes, and research in the related areas.



          Health is a positive state of well being in which harmonious development of mental and physical capacities of the individuals leads to the enjoyment of rich and full life.  Health care administration is a component of socio – economic development.  It shapes the destinies of people.  Without health there can be no solid foundation for man’s happiness.



1.                    B.T.Basavanthappa’s Textbook of “NURSING ADMINISTRATION” Edition – 2nd Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd., Pg.No.165-169.



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