United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund [UNICEF]





          United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund [UNICEF] is one of the specialized agencies of the United Nations.  It was established in 1946 by the United Nations General Assembly to deal with rehabilitation of children in war ravaged countries.  UNICEF is governed by a thirty.  Nations executive board.  The head quarters of the UNICEF is at United Nations.  New York.  UNICEF’s regional office is in New Delhi.





          At present 105 countries are its members.  In India there are total 10 offices in different state with head quarters in New Delhi.  The state are Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. They work on 5 years basis.  UNICEF mainly in maintaining the cold chain.



1.  Child Health

          Child health is the major area of activity of UNICEF.  The main goals of UNICEF Assistance in this field are to extend coverage of maternal and child health services, immunization, family planning aspects of the family health, sufficient and accessible drinking water, adequate sanitation and health and nutrition education.


2. Primary Health care

          UNICEF has been encouraging and co-operative in the extension of maternal and child health centers to the local or community level for many years.  This has been done mainly through help for health centers and sub centers and under five clinics and for the training of their personnel.


3.  Immunisation

          UNICEF is supporting in a number of countries the WHO expanded programme of immunization which usually delivers a number of vaccinations simultaneously.




4.  Rural water supply and sanitation

          UNICEF has been assisting rural water supply and sanitation projects since 1953 initially on pilot or demonstration projects scale.


5. Child Nutrition

          Unicef gives high priority to improving child nutrition in collaboration with FAO, UNICEF also began aiding “Applied Nutrition” programmes through such channels as community development, agricultural extension, schools and health services as to stimulate and help the rural population to grow and eat the foods.  It required for better child nutrition.


          Specific aid is also given for intervention against nutritional deficiency disease, provision of large doses of Vit.a in areas where xerophatalmia is prevent, enrichment of salt with Iodine in areus of endemic goiter, provision of iron and folute supplements to combat anemias and enrichment of foods.


Village level technology

          UNICEF in the past few years has began to assist the development and promotion of low – cost indigeneously based technologies, ideas, methods, equipment, tools and practices which help to improve nutrition, health and daily life of children and to relive family level work loads, particularly of mothers.


Family and child welfare

          The purpose is to improve the care of children.  Both within and outside their homes through such means as parent education, day care centres, child welfare and youth agencies and women’s club.


Formal and non formal Education

          In collaboration  with UNESCO, UNISEF is assisting India in the expansion and improvement of teaching science in India.  Science laboratories equipment, workshop tools, library books, audio visual aids are being made available to educational institutions.  Emphasis is placed on the kind of schooling relevant to the environment and future life of the children.


          Currently, UNICEF is promoting a campaign, known as GOBI campaign to encourage 4 strategies for a “Child Health Revolution”

G       - For growth charts to better monitor child development

O       - For Oral Rehydration to treat all mild and moderate       dehydration

B       - For Breast Feeding

I        - Immunization against measles, diphtheria, polio,              pertusis, tetanus and Tb.


Urban Services

          UNICEF is supporting a wide variety of activities directly benefiting urban children including mother and child health services. Communicable disease control measures, Child – feeding non – formal education program and community and day – care centers.  There is also provision for the training of community workers.




          In 1949, UNICEF began work in India and is now in its 5th decade of co-operation with government of India. Today, India is UNICEF’s Largest country programme, about US $ 100 million / year, a reflection both of the vast population and the need.


          UNICEF support the governments efforts in bringing services essential to the survival and development in children services as basic to life itself as clean water, safe sanitation, immunization and other health measures.


          UNICEF passionately believes that every child, boy or girl, from a rich family or poor, has the right to go to school and learn the skills essential for a healthy and productive life.



The decade long effort to immunization children against major childhood disease had spectacular results in India


Ø     Against diphtheria, pertussis tetanus.

Ø     The new child survival and safe motherhood programme will build on this success to deliver many more health services to mothers and child.



Ø     Nearly one third of India’s school age population are not attending school – some 30 million children. UNICEF is assisting the government of India in its effort to achieving “Education for all” by providing universal primary education, having the number of adult illiterates and providing early childhood education for young children.

Nutrition and Child Development

          UNICEF continues to support the ICDS programmes of the government which aims at improving the nutritional and health status as well as the social development of young children.

The girl Child

          UNICEF is working to meet the special needs of girls, the most vulnerable of all children, work focuses on the special initiatives to encourage education, to delay marriage and to combat female infanticide.






          In short, UNICEF activities cover programmes assisting in child survival, protection and development interventions like immunization, child growth monitoring, birth spacing, education of girls and income generating activities for women.




1.    K.Park Text book of preventive and Social Medicine, M/s. Banarsidas Bhanot Publishers 18th Edition, Pg.No.707-708.


2.    B.T.Basavanthappa, Community health Nursing, Publishers by Jitendar.P. Viji, Second Edition, Page No.946-950.






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