Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Knowledge regarding Hospital Acquired Infections and their Prevention among the Patients admitted in selected Hospitals - OBJECTIVES




“A pre examined study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding hospital acquired infections and their prevention among the patients admitted in selected hospitals at Kalaburgi.”


ü  To assess the pre test knowledge of patients regarding hospital acquired infections and their prevention. 

ü  To plan and implement planned teaching programme regarding hospital acquired infections and their prevention. 

ü  To assess the post test knowledge of patients regarding hospital acquired infections and their prevention. 

ü  To assess the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding hospital acquired infections and their prevention.

ü  To associate knowledge of patients regarding hospital acquired infections and their prevention with demographic variables.


ü  H1 :- There will be significant association between pre-test and post-test knowledge of patients regarding hospital acquired infections and their prevention with their selected demographic variables.

ü  H2 :- There will be significant difference in the level of knowledge of patients regarding hospital acquired infections and their prevention before and after planned teaching programme.


Ø  Patients have basic knowledge regarding the nosocomial infection and its prevention.

Ø   Planned teaching programme will enhance the knowledge of patients regarding the nosocomial infection and its prevention.


In this study:

ü  ASSESS: In this study, it refers to the impact of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding nosocomial infection

ü  EFFECTIVENESS: In this study it refers to the extent to which the planned  teaching programme has achieved the desired outcome as measured by gain in knowledge of patients through self administered knowledge questionnaire.

ü  PLANNED TEACHING PROGRAMME: In this study it refers to the systematically developed instructional and teaching aid prepared by the investigator   for patients to provide information regarding hospital acquired infections and their prevention.

ü  KNOWLEDGE: In this study it refers to the correct response from the respondent regarding hospital acquired infections and their prevention as elicited through self administered knowledge questionnaire.

ü  HOSPITAL ACQUIRED INFECTION : It refers to the infections which develop during hospitalization and were not incubating or present at the time of admission to the hospital

ü  HOSPITALIZED PATIENT: A persons who are under the roof of health institute for the  treatment.


A concept is an abstract idea or mental image of phenomena or reality (Kozier 1989) . 25

A conceptual framework is the processor of a theory. It provides broad perspectives for nursing practice, research and education. Conceptual Framework plays several interrelated roles in the progress of science. Their overall purpose is to make scientific findings meaningful and generalizable.

The conceptual framework of the study is based on the Ludwig Von Bertalanffy’s (1968) General Systems Theory. 26

Ludwig Von Bertalanffy’s General Systems Theory:-

A system consists of a set of interacting components within a boundary that filters the type and rate of exchange with the environment. All living systems are open in that there is a continual system of matter, energy and interaction. In open systems there are varying degrees of interaction with the environment from which the system receives input and gives back output in the form of matter, energy and information. The present study aim at evaluating the existing knowledge of patients regarding nosocomial infection and its prevention.

According to the general system theory for survival all systems must receive certain amount of matter, energy and information from the environment. The system regulates the type and amount of input received through the process of selection to maintain the system equilibrium or homeostasis, the system uses input through self regulation. Through the system matter, energy and information are continuously processed and released as output. The system continuously monitors itself and environment to guide its operation. The continuously information of environment responses to the systems output is utilized by the system in adjustment correction accommodation to the interaction with the environment. Feedback may be positive, negative or neutral. In this present study these concepts are explained as below.

In the present study these concepts can be explained as follows: -


Input consists of characteristics and conditions of workers in this study, Input refers to the demographic variables- age, gender, religion, education, marital status, occupation, family income per month, and source of information regarding nosocomial infection and its prevention. The individuals own personality affects their learning as well as aids in influencing others. Input consists of characteristics and conditions of people and the resources. The individuals own personality affects their learning as well as aids in influencing others. In this study input refers to the source of information regarding nosocomial infection and its prevention.             . 


Process refers to the different operational procedures of the Programme. They include assessment of the existing knowledge.


            The end product of a system is to improve the knowledge on nosocomial infection and its prevention. The system returns output to the environment in an altered state affecting the environment. Through post-test the output of the environment in an altered state affecting the environment. After 3rd day of implementation of planned teaching programme (Intervention), the output may be improved the knowledge of patients on nosocomial infection and its prevention may or may not be improved.


Feedback is the process where by the output of system is re-directed as part of the input of the same system. In the present study, feedback can be measured by the output which could be either satisfied or dissatisfied regarding the knowledge on nosocomial infection and its prevention. After the implementation of the planned teaching programme, it could be considered as useful for improving the knowledge of the patients. If the level of knowledge on nosocomial infection and its prevention has not satisfactorily improved, then a feedback strategy on nosocomial infection and its prevention can be initiated, improved and modified by the investigator.


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